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Personalized therapeutic stimulation and monitoring for heart failure and apnea-bradycardia

Team leaders: Alfredo Hernández, Virginie Le Rolle

The main objective of the SEPIA team is to propose, develop and evaluate new patient-specific diagnostic and therapeutic methods to improve the management of patients suffering from cardiovascular and cardio-respiratory pathologies. The team has developed a long-term translational research activity, integrating contributions on the methodological, technological and experimental and clinical evaluation fields.

From a methodological point of view, the main contributions of the team concern:
• Multi-source processing of massive, longitudinal biomedical data,
• Multi-resolution integrative mathematical modeling of pathophysiological systems and
• Model analysis and parameter identification methods.

These methodological contributions are integrated into explainable machine learning or model-based reasoning approaches that are applied to concrete clinical solutions. The main applications include the early detection of events, the intelligent patient monitoring and the therapy optimization and personalization in the context of two multifactorial pathologies which have a major impact in public health: heart failure (HF) and apnea-bradycardia (AB).

The team is also dedicated to technological research, and aims to design new devices and prototype systems integrating our methods.

Finally, a significant part of the team's activity is dedicated to experimental and clinical research. These assessments are mostly carried out with the support of the Center for Clinical Investigation - Technological Innovation of Rennes (CIC-IT). A new advanced pre-clinical experimentation platform (TherA-Tech), integrating a hybrid operating room, MRI and CT, will be inaugurated in early 2023.

The SEPIA team is also characterized by a strong technology transfer activity with more than 25 patent families filed and more than 10 software registrations over the last 5 years, in close collaboration with major MedTech companies and startups. Most of the patents have been licensed or co-filed with the team's industrial partners.

The team's activities are organized around three research axes:

  • Characterization of the cardiorespiratory function for personalized diagnostics and therapy
  • Intelligent monitoring through massive, heterogeneous, longitudinal data management and processing.
  • Novel adaptive, personalized stimulation therapies