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Francois carré

Professor of Medicine - PhD - University Rennes 1 • Cardiovascular physiology • Exercise physiology Cardiologist – MD – Hospital Pontchaillou • Head of the Sports Medicine Department • Head of Functional Explorations Department Past: • Chairman of the GERS (Rehabilitation and sports Cardiology Group of the French Society of Cardiology) • Secretary of the European Sports Cardiology Group Member of Centre d'Innovation Technologique CIC-IT Inserm 1414 (Pontchaillou University Teaching Hospital, Rennes 1 University): a technology platform that jointly depends on the Rennes 1 University and the University Hospital Pontchaillou (mixed financing) whose responsibility is carried by the LTSI, INSERM U1099 (represented by Pr G. Carrault), and the Department of Cardiology headed by Professor Ph. Mabo. Member of the Image and Signal Processing Laboratory (LTSI), SEPIA team, Inserm 1099 (Rennes 1 University) Key words: physical activity, monitoring, new technologies, telemedicine, cardiac fatigue, seniors, cardiovascular diseases, chronic renal failure, sinusal variability, echocardiography, athlete's heart, gaz exchanges and analysis, ECG recording Contact : • Hospital office : Service de Médecine du Sport Hôpital Pontchaillou – 2 Rue Henri Le Guilloux – 35033 Rennes Tel. (33)2 99 28 41 33 • Research office : CIC-IT 1414 Inserm Centre cardiopneumologique niveau 0 - CHU Pontchaillou - 2 rue Henri Le Guilloux - 35033 Rennes cedex - France Tel. (33)2 99 28 43 21 poste 87542 - Fax (33)2 99 28 95 88 (first contact preferably by email) Emails : / Major research interests in Sports Cardiology topic: • Effects of exercise and adaptations of physical training on autonomic nervous system - Heart rate variability - Electrocardiographic, morphological and functional adaptations. • Athlete’s heart patterns - Rest and exercise ECG and echocardiography - Exercise testing with and without gas analysis • ECG long duration analysis • Rest and exercise cardiac output analysis • Since 2014: Active member of the CominLabs SHERPAM project (co-writing and co-recorder activities): development of a biological signals monitoring device used during physical exercise practice. Involved laboratories: LTSI (Rennes 1), INRIA (Vannes), ENS (Rennes), M2S (Rennes), LAUREPS (Rennes 2), et CIC-IT Inserm 1414 (CHU – Rennes 1). The clinical trial is supported by the CIC-IT. • 2009-2012 : Medical manager of a Work Package in a AAL European project, PAMAP (Physical Activity Monitoring for Ageing People): this project aimed to develop a prototype for recording and controlling physical activity at home or in a rehabilitation center, in healthy elderly or people with cardiovascular disease or functional limitation (useful in regards to telemedicine). Our participation was to evolve the Internet platform of electronic health record of each individual, to propose models contents for muscle strengthening sessions for people testing the prototype, and lastly to test the prototype during a clinical trial developed at CIC-IT Inserm 1414. • 2010-2013: Consulting and exercise tests performing in the EMS-dialysis multicenter research project on the effects of exercise training by electrostimulation during dialysis sessions in a population with chronic renal failure (Dr E. Laruelle). • 2011-2015: Heading for the European survey of cardiac safety for fitness centers (investigation of the European Association of Cardiovacular Prevention & Rehabilitation). Member of the scientific societies: • Secretary of the Sports Cardiology group of the European Society of Cardiology • Board’s member of the Group of Sports Cardiology of the French Society of Cardiology • Member of the French Society of Sports Medicine • Member of the European Society of Cardiology • Member of the EACPR • Member of the French Society of Sports Medicine • Elected president of the “Club des Cardiologues du Sport” • Participation as expert cardiologist to the official French Sports ministry commission concerning the cardiovascular screening of the French High level athletes Participations in scientific journals: • Regular reviewer of several international physiology and cardiology journals Field’s sports activities: • Member of the medical commission of the French Federation of Canoe-Kayaking • Member of the cardiologist commission of the French Football Federation • Member of the medical commission of the French Federation of Canoe-Kayaking • Member of the cardiologist commission of the Rugby • Expert cardiologist for French Cyclism Federation Main publications (2013-2015): 2015 • Wilson MG, Carré F. What's the big deal about T-wave inversion in athletes? A guide to clinical interpretation. Br J Sports Med. 2015 bjsports-2015-094636. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2015-094636 • Schnell F, Riding N, O'Hanlon R, Axel Lentz P, Donal E, Kervio G, Matelot D,Leurent G, Doutreleau S, Chevalier L, Guerard S, Wilson MG, Carré F. Recognition and significance of pathological T-wave inversions in athletes. Circulation. 2015;131:165-73. • Riding NR, Sharma S, Salah O, Khalil N, Carré F, George KP, Hamilton B,Chalabi H, Whyte GP, Wilson MG. Systematic echocardiography is not efficacious when screening an ethnically diverse cohort of athletes in West Asia. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2015;22:263-70. 2014 • Assanelli D, Ermolao A, Carré F, Deligiannis A, Mellwig K, Mellwig K, Tahmi M, Cesana BM, Levaggi R, Aliverti P, Sharma S. Standardised pre-competitive screening of athletes in some European and African countries: the SMILE study. Intern Emerg Med. 2014;9:427-34. • Carré F. [Sport's related sudden death]. Presse Med. 2014;43:831-9. • Heidbuchel H, Carré F. Exercise and competitive sports in patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. Eur Heart J. 2014;35:3097-102. • Sheikh N, Papadakis M, Ghani S, Zaidi A, Gati S, Adami PE, Carré F, Schnell F, Wilson M, Avila P, McKenna W, Sharma S. Comparison of electrocardiographic criteria for the detection of cardiac abnormalities in elite black and white athletes. Circulation. 2014 22;129:1637-49. 2013 • A Personalized Exercise Trainer for the Elderly. Gabriele Bleser; Daniel Steffen; Markus Weber; Gustaf Hendeby; Didier Stricker; Laetitia Fradet; Frédéric Marin; Nathalie Ville; Francois Carré - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE), Vol. 5, No. 6, Pages 547-562, IOS Press, 11/2013 • The Physical Activity Monitoring system for Aging People (PAMAP): technical specification and clinical trial. Laetitia Fradet; Gabriele Bleser; Nathalie Ville; François Carré; Didier Stricker; Frédéric Marin - La Revue de Gériatrie, Vol. 38, Pages 601-608, o.A. 1/2013 • Pavy B, Barbet R, Carré F, Champion C, Iliou MC, Jourdain P, Juillière Y, Monpère C, Brion R. Working Group of Exercise Rehabilitation and Sport; Therapeutic Education Commission of the French Society of Cardiology. Therapeutic education in coronary heart disease: position paper from the Working Group of Exercise Rehabilitation and Sport (GERS) and the Therapeutic Education Commission of the French Society of Cardiology. Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2013;106:680-9. • Gati S, Chandra N, Bennett RL, Reed M, Kervio G, Panoulas VF, Ghani S, Sheikh N, Zaidi A, Wilson M, Papadakis M, Carré F, Sharma S. Increased left ventricular trabeculation in highly trained athletes: do we need more stringent criteria for the diagnosis of left ventricular non-compaction in athletes? Heart. 2013;99:401-8. • Sheikh N, Papadakis M, Carré F, Kervio G, Panoulas VF, Ghani S, Zaidi A, Gati S, Rawlins J, Wilson MG, Sharma S. Cardiac adaptation to exercise in adolescent athletes of African ethnicity: an emergent elite athletic population. Br J Sports Med. 2013 47:585-92. • Heidbuchel H, Papadakis M, Panhuyzen-Goedkoop N, Carré F, Dugmore D, Mellwig KP, Rasmusen HK, Solberg EE, Borjesson M, Corrado D, Pelliccia A, Sharma S. Sports Cardiology Section of European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR) of European Society of Cardiology. Position paper: proposal for a core curriculum for a European Sports Cardiology qualification. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2013 Oct;20(5):889-903