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Publications 2021


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Année 2021

Publications dans des revues / Journal Papers


Abbas M, Le Bouquin Jeannès R. Exploiting Local Temporal Characteristics Via Multinomial Decomposition Algorithm for Real-Time Activity Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2021;70:1-11.

Abbas M, Somme D, Le Bouquin Jeannès R. D-Sorm: A Digital Solution for Remote Monitoring Based on the Attitude of Wearable Devices. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2021 Sep;208:106247.

Aboukais R, Bretonnier M, Karnoub MA, Leclerc X, Riffaud L, Lejeune JP, Vinchon M. Fusiform Dilatation of Internal Carotid Artery after Pterional but Not Subfrontal Craniotomy in 6 Patients. Childs Nerv Syst. 2021 Jan;37(1):125-9.

Abu-Ghanem Y, Powles T, Capitanio U, Beisland C, Jarvinen P, Stewart GD, Gudmundsson E, Lam TBL, Marconi L, Fernandez-Pello S, Nisen H, Meijer RP, Volpe A, Ljungberg B, Klatte T, Bensalah K, Dabestani S, Bex A. Should Patients with Low-Risk Renal Cell Carcinoma Be Followed Differently after Nephron-Sparing Surgery Vs Radical Nephrectomy? Bju International. 2021 Sep;128(3):386-94.

Abu-Shama Y, Salleron J, Carsuzaa F, Sun XS, Pflumio C, Troussier I, Petit C, Caubet M, Beddok A, Calugaru V, Servagi-Vernat S, Castelli J, Miroir J, Krengli M, Giraud P, Romano E, Khalifa J, Dore M, Blanchard N, Coutte A, Dupin C, Sumodhee S, Tao Y, Roth V, Geoffrois L, Toussaint B, Nguyen DT, Faivre JC, Thariat J. Impact of Neck Dissection in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas of Unknown Primary. Cancers. 2021 May;13(10):16.

Agnino A, Graniero A, Albano G, Gerometta PS, Roscitano C, Villari N, Albertini A, Salvi D, Persico I, Anselmi A. Towards the Era of Computer-Assisted Surgery: How to Start a Robotic Mitral Valve Surgery Program. Giornale Italiano Di Cardiologia. 2021 Aug;22(8):648-56.

Al Harrach M, Benquet P, Wendling F. Long Term Evolution of Fast Ripples During Epileptogenesis. Journal of Neural Engineering. 2021 Aug;18(4):046027.

Almeida AG, Carpenter JP, Cameli M, Donal E, Dweck MR, Flachskampf FA, Maceira AM, Muraru D, Neglia D, Pasquet A, Plein S, Gerber BL, Buechel R, Delgado V, Sade LE, Stankovic I, Cosyns B, Edvardsen T, Comm ESD, Comm ESD, Eacvi. Multimodality Imaging of Myocardial Viability: An Expert Consensus Document from the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (Eacvi). European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging. 2021 Aug;22(8):E97-E125.

Alonso C, Marquie C, Defaye P, Clementy N, Mondoly P, Sadoul N, Boveda S, Hidden-Lucet F, Dompnier A, Da Costa A, Marijon E, Leclercq C, Caudron G, Piot O, Deharo JC, Soc Francaise C. Fragile: French Attitude Registry in Case of Icd Lead Replacement. Europace. 2021 Mar;23(3):389-94.

Alvarez P, Rouze S, Miga MI, Payan Y, Dillenseger JL, Chabanas M. A Hybrid, Image-Based and Biomechanics-Based Registration Approach to Markerless Intraoperative Nodule Localization During Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery. Medical Image Analysis. 2021 Apr;69:18.

Anselme F, Albatat M, Marquie C, Leclercq C, Ritter P, Ollivier JF, Shan N, Ziglio F, Feuerstein D. Exploring a New Systematic Route for Left Ventricular Pacing in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. Circulation Journal. 2021 Mar;85(3):283-+.

Anwer S, Oguz D, Galian-Gay L, Mitevska IP, Baghdassarian L, Dulgheru R, Lapinskas T, Santoro C, Loizos S, Cameli M, Srbinovska E, Grapsa J, Magne J, Donal E. Echocardiographic Findings on Aortic Stenosis: An Observational, Prospective, and Multi-Center Registry. Perfusion. 2021 Apr;36(3):269-76.

Anwer S, Oguz D, Galian-Gay L, Peovska Mitevska I, Baghdassarian L, Dulgheru R, Lapinskas T, Santoro C, Loizos S, Cameli M, Srbinovska E, Grapsa J, Magne J, Donal E. Echocardiographic Findings on Aortic Stenosis: An Observational, Prospective, and Multi-Center Registry. Perfusion. 2021 Apr;36(3):269-76.

Areiza-Laverde H, Dopierala C, Senhadji L, Boucher F, Gumery PY, Hernández A. Analysis of Cardiac Vibration Signals Acquired from a Novel Implant Placed on the Gastric Fundus. Frontiers in Physiology. 2021 Nov;12.

Armange L, Benezit F, Picard L, Pronier C, Guillot S, Lentz PA, Carre F, Tattevin P, Revest M. Prevalence and Characteristics of Persistent Symptoms after Non-Severe Covid-19: A Prospective Cohort Study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021 Nov;40(11):2421-5.

Arrais M, Modolo J, Mogul DJ, Wendling F. Design of Optimal Multi-Site Brain Stimulation Protocols Via Neuro-Inspired Epilepsy Models for Abatement of Interictal Discharges. Journal of Neural Engineering. 2021 Feb 23;18(1).

Aubertin M, Weisenburger-Lile D, Gory B, Richard S, Blanc R, Ducroux C, Piotin M, Labreuche J, Lucas L, Dargazanli C, Benali A, Bourcier R, Detraz L, Vannier S, Guillen M, Eugene F, Walker G, Lun R, Guenego A, Consoli A, Marnat G, Maier B, Lapergue B, Fahed R, Investigators E. First-Pass Effect in Basilar Artery Occlusions Insights from the Endovascular Treatment of Ischemic Stroke Registry. Stroke. 2021 Dec;52(12):3777-85.

Auffret M. War Neuroses at the Beginning of the Great War in France: The Case of Eugene Bouret (1887-1914). Neurology. 2021 Apr;96(15).

Auffret M, Keromnes J, Robert G, Morel V, Verin M. Palliative Care in Parkinson's Disease: Addressing Knowledge and Practice Gaps with a Multidisciplinary Approach in Brittany, France. Neurology. 2021 Apr;96(15).

Auffret M, Meuric V, Boyer E, Bonnaure-Mallet M, Verin M. Oral Health Disorders in Parkinson's Disease: More Than Meets the Eye. Journal of Parkinsons Disease. 2021;11(4):1507-35.

Avdeew Y, Berge-Laval V, Le Rolle V, Dieuset G, Moreau D, Kergoat L, Martin B, Bernard C, Gestreau C, Hernandez A. Assessment of the Use of Multi-Channel Organic Electrodes to Record Eng on Small Nerves: Application to Phrenic Nerve Burst Detection. Sensors. 2021 Aug;21(16):16.

Bacle A, Bouzille G, Bruyere A, Cuggia M, Fardel O, Le Corre P. Drivers of Absolute Systemic Bioavailability after Oral Pulmonary Inhalation in Humans. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS. 2021 JUL;164:36-53.

Bannay A, Bories M, Le Corre P, Riou C, Lemordant P, Van Hille P, Chazard E, Dode X, Cuggia M, Bouzille G. Leveraging National Claims and Hospital Big Data: Cohort Study on a Statin-Drug Interaction Use Case. JMIR MEDICAL INFORMATICS. 2021 DEC;9(12):e29286.

Baron E, Karam N, Donal E, Puscas T, Mirabel M, Bacher A, Wahbi K, Mazzella JM, Jeunemaitre X, Reant P, Hagege A, French Soc C. Gestion Et Resultats De La Cardiomyopathie Hypertrophique Chez Les Jeunes Adultes. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases. 2021 Jun-Jul;114(6-7):465-73.

Baudry G, Nesseler N, Flecher E, Vincentelli A, Goeminne C, Delmas C, Porterie J, Nubret K, Pernot M, Kindo M, Hoang Minh T, Rouviere P, Gaudard P, Michel M, Senage T, Boignard A, Chavanon O, Para M, Verdonk C, Pelce E, Gariboldi V, Anselme F, Litzler PY, Blanchart K, Babatasi G, Bielefeld M, Bouchot O, Hamon D, Lellouche N, Bailleul X, Genet T, Eschalier R, d'Ostrevy N, Bories MC, Akar RA, Blangy H, Vanhuyse F, Obadia JF, Galand V, Pozzi M. Characteristics and Outcome of Ambulatory Heart Failure Patients Receiving a Left Ventricular Assist Device. ESC Heart Fail. 2021 Dec;8(6):5159-67.

Baxter JSH, Bui QA, Maguet E, Croci S, Delmas A, Lefaucheur JP, Bredoux L, Jannin P. Automatic Cortical Target Point Localisation in Mri for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Via a Multi-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2021 Jul;16(7):1077-87.

Baxter JSH, Maguet E, Jannin P. Localisation of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Mri Via Convolutional Neural Networks for Deep Brain Stimulation Planning. Medical Imaging 2020: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. 2021;11315.

Beaumont J, Gambarota G, Saint-Jalmes H, Acosta O, Ferre JC, Raniga P, Fripp J. High-Resolution Multi-T-1-Weighted Contrast and T(1)Mapping with Lowb1>+Sensitivity Using the Fluid and White Matter Suppression (Flaws) Sequence at 7t. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2021 Mar;85(3):1364-78.

Benali K, Da Costa A, Macle L, Hammache N, Galand V, Romeyer C, Guichard JB, Leclercq C, Pavin D, Martins R. Distance between the Descending Aorta and the Left Inferior Pulmonary Vein as a Determinant of Biophysical Parameters During Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Cryoablation. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2021 Nov;32(11):2943-52.

Berar A, Bouzille G, Jego P, Allain JS. A Descriptive, Retrospective Case Series of Patients with Factitious Disorder Imposed on Self. BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2021 NOV 23;21(1):588.

Bertheuil N, Leclere FM, Bekara F, Watier E, Flecher E, Duisit J. Superior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap for Reconstruction of Deep Sternal Wound Infection. Microsurgery. 2021 Jul;41(5):405-11.

Berujon E, Blanchard V, Fauvet R, Nyangoh-Timoh K, Pizzoferrato AC. Benefits of Group Pelvic Floor Education Sessions: Satisfaction and Improvement of Women's Knowledge. Prog Urol. 2021 Aug 17;31(17):1201-8.

Bessiere F, Gardey K, Bouzeman A, Duthoit G, Koutbi L, Labombarda F, Marquie C, Gourraud JB, Mondoly P, Sellal JM, Bordachar P, Hermida A, Anselme F, Asselin A, Audinet C, Bernard Y, Boveda S, Chevalier P, Clerici G, da Costa A, de Guillebon M, Defaye P, Eschalier R, Garcia R, Guenancia C, Guy-Moyat B, Henaine R, Irles D, Iserin L, Jourda F, Ladouceur M, Lagrange P, Laredo M, Mansourati J, Massoulie G, Mathiron A, Maury P, Nguyen C, Ninni S, Perier MC, Pierre B, Sacher F, Walton C, Winum P, Martins R, Pasquie JL, Thambo JB, Jouven X, Combes N, Di Filippo S, Marijon E, Waldmann V. Impact of Pulmonary Valve Replacement on Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator. Jacc-Clinical Electrophysiology. 2021 Oct;7(10):1285-93.

Bidaut A, Hubert A, Charton M, Paven E, Leclercq C, Galli E, Donal E. One Year Prognostic Value of B-Lines in Dyspnoeic Patients. ESC Heart Fail. 2021 Jun;8(3):1759-66.

Blanchard V, Nyangoh-Timoh K, Fritel X, Fauconnier A, Pizzoferrato AC. Importance of a Pelvic Floor Lifestyle Program in Women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions: A Pilot Study. J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 Apr;50(4):102032.

Blay JY, Boucher S, Le Vu B, Cropet C, Chabaud S, Perol D, Barranger E, Campone M, Conroy T, Coutant C, De Crevoisier R, Debreuve-Theresette A, Delord JP, Fumoleau P, Gentil J, Gomez F, Guerin O, Jaffré A, Lartigau E, Lemoine C, Mahe MA, Mahon FX, Mathieu-Daude H, Merrouche Y, Penault-Llorca F, Pivot X, Soria JC, Thomas G, Vera P, Vermeulin T, Viens P, Ychou M, Beaupere S. Delayed Care for Patients with Newly Diagnosed Cancer Due to Covid-19 and Estimated Impact on Cancer Mortality in France. ESMO Open. 2021 Jun;6(3):100134.

Bories M, Bouzille G, Cuggia M, Le Corre P. Drug-Drug Interactions in Elderly Patients with Potentially Inappropriate Medications in Primary Care, Nursing Home and Hospital Settings: A Systematic Review and a Preliminary Study. PHARMACEUTICS. 2021 FEB;13(2).

Bouleti C, Michel M, Duval AJ, Hemery T, Nicol PP, Didier R, Zeyons F, Zouaghi O, Tchetche D, Delon C, Delomez M, Dibie A, Attias D, Le Breton H, Cormier B, Obadia JF, Tribouilloy C, Lansac E, Chevreul K, Naccache N, Eltchaninoff H, Gilard M, Iung B. Current Treatment of Symptomatic Aortic Stenosis in Elderly Patients: Do Risk Scores Really Matter after 80 Years of Age? Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases. 2021 Oct;114(10):624-33.

Bourcier R, Marnat G, Labreuche J, Desal H, Di Maria F, Consoli A, Eugene F, Gory B, Dargazanli C, Blanc R, Lapergue B, Investigators E. Balloon Guide Catheter Is Not Superior to Conventional Guide Catheter When Stent Retriever and Contact Aspiration Are Combined for Stroke Treatment. Neurosurgery. 2021 Jan;88(1):E83-E90.

Bourdel N, Huchon C, Abdel Wahab C, Azais H, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Brun JL, Canlorbe G, Chauvet P, Chereau E, Courbiere B, De La Motte Rouge T, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Eymerit-Morin C, Fauvet R, Gauroy E, Gauthier T, Grynberg M, Koskas M, Larouzee E, Lecointre L, Leveque J, Margueritte F, D'Argent Mathieu E, Nyangoh-Timoh K, Ouldamer L, Raad J, Raimond E, Ramanah R, Rolland L, Rousset P, Rousset-Jablonski C, Thomassin-Naggara I, Uzan C, Zilliox M, Darai E. Borderline Ovarian Tumors: French Guidelines from the Cngof. Part 2. Surgical Management, Follow-up, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Fertility Management and Preservation. J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 Jan;50(1):101966.

Bourdel N, Huchon C, Abdel Wahab C, Azais H, Bendifallah S, Bolze PA, Brun JL, Canlorbe G, Chauvet P, Chereau E, Courbiere B, De La Motte Rouge T, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Eymerit-Morin C, Fauvet R, Gauroy E, Gauthier T, Grynberg M, Koskas M, Larouzee E, Lecointre L, Leveque J, Margueritte F, Mathieu D'argent E, Nyangoh-Timoh K, Ouldamer L, Raad J, Raimond E, Ramanah R, Rolland L, Rousset P, Rousset-Jablonski C, Thomassin-Naggara I, Uzan C, Zilliox M, Darai E. Borderline Ovarian Tumors: Guidelines from the French National College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Cngof). Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2021 Jan;256:492-501.

Bourenane H, Galand V, Boulmier D, Leclercq C, Leurent G, Bedossa M, Behar N, Pichard C, Polin B, Tomasi J, Verhoye JP, Sharobeem S, Le Guellec M, Donal E, Pavin D, Martins RP, Le Breton H, Auffret V. Electrophysiological Study-Guided Permanent Pacemaker Implantation in Patients with Conduction Disturbances Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation. American Journal of Cardiology. 2021 Jun;149:78-85.

Bourgoin P, Aubert L, Joram N, Launay E, Beuchee A, Roue JM, Baruteau A, Fernandez M, Pavy C, Baron O, Flamant C, Liet JM, Ozanne B, Chenouard A. Frequency of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support and Outcomes after Implementation of a Structured Picu Network in Neonates and Children: A Prospective Population-Based Study in the West of France. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2021 Nov;22(11):E558-E70.

Bourien H, Quillien V, Godey F, Perrin C, Le Du F, Guillermet S, Blanchot J, Lavoué V, Campillo-Gimenez B, Brunot A, Crouzet L, De la Motte Rouge T, Diéras V, Lefeuvre-Plesse C. Impact of Epclin on Adjuvant Therapeutic Decision Making and Comparison of Epclin to the Predict Tool. International Journal of Biological Markers. 2021 Jun;36(2):57-63.

Bracq MS, Michinov E, Le Duff M, Arnaldi B, Gouranton V, Jannin P. "Doctor, Please": Educating Nurses to Speak up with Interactive Digital Simulation Tablets. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 2021 May;54:97-104.

Bracq MS, Michinov E, Le Duff M, Arnaldi B, Gouranton V, Jannin P. Training Situational Awareness for Scrub Nurses: Error Recognition in a Virtual Operating Room. Nurse Education in Practice. 2021 May;53:103056.

Buffet-Bataillon S, Bellanger A, Boudry G, Gangneux JP, Yverneau M, Beuchee A, Blat S, Le Huerou-Luron I. New Insights into Microbiota Modulation-Based Nutritional Interventions for Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021 Jun;12:22.

Burri H, Starck C, Auricchio A, Biffi M, Burri M, D'Avila A, Deharo JC, Glikson M, Israel C, Lau CP, Leclercq C, Love CJ, Nielsen JC, Vernooy K, Dagres N, Boveda S, Butter C, Marijon E, Braunschweig F, Mairesse GH, Gleva M, Defaye P, Zanon F, Lopez-Cabanillas N, Guerra JM, Vassilikos VP, Oliveira MM. Ehra Expert Consensus Statement and Practical Guide on Optimal Implantation Technique for Conventional Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators: Endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society (Hrs), the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (Aphrs), and the Latin-American Heart Rhythm Society (Lahrs). Europace. 2021 Jul;23(7):983-+.

Bury G, Leroux S, Borrego CL, Leguen CG, Mitanchez D, Gascoin G, Thollot A, Roue JM, Carrault G, Pladys P, Beuchee A. Diagnosis of Neonatal Late-Onset Infection in Very Preterm Infant: Inter-Observer Agreement and International Classifications. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Feb;18(3):15.

Cabon S, Poree F, Cuffel G, Rosec O, Geslin F, Pladys P, Simon A, Carrault G. Voxyvi: A System for Long-Term Audio and Video Acquisitions in Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Early Human Development. 2021 Feb;153:15.

Cambon-Viala M, Gerard H, Nguyen K, Richard P, Ader F, Pruny JF, Donal E, Eicher JC, Huttin O, Selton-Suty C, Raud-Raynier P, Jondeau G, Mansencal N, Sawka C, Casalta AC, Michel N, Donghi V, Martel H, Faivre L, Charron P, Habib G. Phenotype/Genotype Relationship in Left Ventricular Noncompaction: Ion Channel Gene Mutations Are Associated with Preserved Left Ventricular Systolic Function and Biventricular Noncompaction Phenotype/Genotype of Noncompaction. Journal of Cardiac Failure. 2021 Jun;27(6):677-81.

Capelle A, Obadia JF, Iung B, Messika-Zeitoun D, Vahanian A, Guerin P, Lefevre T, Bonnet G, Donal E, Leurent G, Trochu JN, Armoiry X. Percutaneous Mitral Valve Repair in Severe Secondary Mitral Regurgitation: Analysis of Index Hospitalization and Economic Evaluation Based on the Mitra-Fr Trial. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases. 2021 Dec;114(12):805-13.

Carabelli A, Jabeur M, Jacon P, Rinaldi CA, Leclercq C, Rovaris G, Arnold M, Venier S, Neuzil P, Defaye P. European Experience with a First Totally Leadless Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Pacemaker System. Europace. 2021 May;23(5):740-7.

Carré F. [Controversy. Screening for Sports Activity: Pro!]. Rev Prat. 2021 Jun;71(6):647-9.

Carsuzaa F, Lapeyre M, Gregoire V, Maingon P, Beddok A, Marcy PY, Salleron J, Coutte A, Racadot S, Pointreau Y, Graff P, Beadle B, Benezery K, Biau J, Calugaru V, Castelli J, Chua M, Di Rito A, Dore M, Ghadjar P, Huguet F, Jardel P, Johansen J, Kimple R, Krengli M, Laskar S, McDowell L, Nichols A, Tribius S, Valduvieco I, Hu CS, Liem X, Moya-Plana A, D'Onofrio I, Parvathaneni U, Takiar V, Orlandi E, Psyrri A, Shenouda G, Sher D, Steuer C, Sun XS, Tao YA, Thomson D, Tsai MH, Vulquin N, Gorphe P, Mehanna H, Yom SS, Bourhis J, Thariat J. Recommendations for Postoperative Radiotherapy in Head & Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Presence of Flaps: A Gortec Internationally-Reviewed Hncig-Endorsed Consensus. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2021 Jul;160:140-7.

Chantal PA, Karfoul A, Nica A, Le Bouquin Jeannes R. Dynamic Brain Effective Connectivity Analysis Based on Low-Rank Canonical Polyadic Decomposition: Application to Epilepsy. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 2021 May;59(5):1081-98.

Charton M, Kervio G, Matelot D, Lachard T, Galli E, Donal E, Carre F, Lahaye SL, Schnell F. Exercise-Induced Cardiac Fatigue in Soldiers Assessed by Echocardiography. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2021 Dec;8:9.

Chen E, L'Official G, Guerin A, Dreyfus J, Lavie-Badie Y, Sportouch C, Eicher JC, Marechaux S, Le Tourneau T, Oger E, Donal E. Natural History of Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation: Impact of Cardiac Output. European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging. 2021 Aug;22(8):878-85.

Chen E, Nesseler N, Martins RP, Goeminne C, Vincentelli A, Delmas C, Porterie J, Nubret K, Pernot M, Kindo M, Minh TH, Gaudard P, Rouviere P, Michel M, Senage T, Boignard A, Chavanon O, Verdonk C, Para M, Pelce E, Gariboldi V, Pozzi M, Baudry G, Litzler PY, Anselme F, Blanchart K, Babatasi G, Garnier F, Bielefeld M, Radu C, Lellouche N, Bourguignon T, Genet T, Eschalier R, D'Ostrevy N, Bories MC, Baudinaud P, Vanhuyse F, Blangy H, Leclercq C, Flecher E, Galand V. Comparison of Outcomes and Mortality in Patients Having Left Ventricular Assist Device Implanted Early -Vs- Late after Diagnosis of Cardiomyopathy. American Journal of Cardiology. 2021 May;146:82-8.

Chevalier L, Corneloup L, Carré F, Mignot A, Jaussaud J, Gencel L, Clement-Guinaudeau S, Pospiech T. Aortic Dilatation: Value of Echocardiography in the Systematic Assessment of Elite Rugby Players in the French National Rugby League (Lnr). Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2021 2021;31(5):1078-85.

Chung C, Bommart S, Marchand-Adam S, Lederlin M, Fournel L, Charpentier MC, Groussin L, Wislez M, Revel MP, Chassagnon G. Long-Term Imaging Follow-up in Dipnech: Multicenter Experience. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Jul;10(13):11.

Clementy N, Coelho R, Veltmann C, Marijon E, Tolosana J, Galand V, Ploux S, Eschalier R, Simeon E, Blessberger H, Mueller-Leisse J, Pujol-Lopez M, Martins R, Ritter P, Steinwender C, Babuty D. Leadless Pacemakers in Critically Ill Patients Requiring Prolonged Cardiac Pacing: A Multicenter International Study. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. 2021 Sep;32(9):2522-7.

Coats AJS, Anker SD, Baumbach A, Alfieri O, Von Bardeleben RS, Bauersachs J, Bax JJ, Boveda S, Celutkiene J, Cleland JG, Dagres N, Deneke T, Farmakis D, Filippatos G, Hausleiter J, Hindricks G, Jankowska EA, Lainscak M, Leclercq C, Lund LH, McDonagh T, Mehra MR, Metra M, Mewton N, Mueller C, Mullens W, Muneretto C, Obadia JF, Ponikowski P, Praz F, Rudolph V, Ruschitzka F, Vahanian A, Windecker S, Zamorano JL, Edvardsen T, Heidbuchel H, Seferovic PM, Prendergast B. The Management of Secondary Mitral Regurgitation in Patients with Heart Failure: A Joint Position Statement from the Heart Failure Association (Hfa), European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (Eacvi), European Heart Rhythm Association (Ehra), and European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (Eapci) of the Esc. European Heart Journal. 2021 Apr;42(13):1254-69.

Cohen A, Donal E, Delgado V, Pepi M, Tsang T, Gerber B, Soulat-Dufour L, Habib G, Lancellotti P, Evangelista A, Cujec B, Fine N, Andrade MJ, Sprynger M, Dweck M, Edvardsen T, Popescu BA. Eacvi Recommendations on Cardiovascular Imaging for the Detection of Embolic Sources: Endorsed by the Canadian Society of Echocardiography. European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging. 2021 Jun;22(6):E24-E57.

Collins JW, Marcus HJ, Ghazi A, Sridhar A, Hashimoto D, Hager G, Arezzo A, Jannin P, Maier-Hein L, Marz K, Valdastri P, Mori K, Elson D, Giannarou S, Slack M, Hares L, Beaulieu Y, Levy J, Laplante G, Ramadorai A, Jarc A, Andrews B, Garcia P, Neemuchwala H, Andrusaite A, Kimpe T, Hawkes D, Kelly JD, Stoyanov D. Ethical Implications of Ai in Robotic Surgical Training: A Delphi Consensus Statement. Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Apr 30;8(2):613-22.

Constant A, Sanz M, Auffret M, Naudet F, Verin M, Moirand R. French Validation of the Alcohol Urge Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties and Relationship with Alcohol Dependence and Drinking Behavior. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2021 May;56(3):251-7.

Coste A, Poinot M, Panaget S, Albert B, Kaladji A, Le Bars H, Bahaa N, Ali B, Piau C, Cattoir V, de Moreuil C, Revest M, Le Berre R. Use of Rifampicin and Graft Removal Are Associated with Better Outcomes in Prosthetic Vascular Graft Infection. Infection. 2021 Feb;49(1):127-33.

Couture M, Finitsis S, Marnat G, Richard S, Bourcier R, Constant-dits-Beaufils P, Dargazanli C, Arquizan C, Mazighi M, Blanc R, Eugene F, Vannier S, Spelle L, Denier C, Touze E, Barbier C, Saleme S, Macian F, Rosso C, Clarencon F, Naggara O, Turc G, Ozkul-Wermester O, Papagiannaki C, Viguier A, Cognard C, Lebras A, Evain S, Wolff V, Pop R, Timsit S, Gentric JC, Bourdain F, Veunac L, Lapergue B, Consoli A, Gory B, Sibon I, Investigators ER. Impact of Prior Antiplatelet Therapy on Outcomes after Endovascular Therapy for Acute Stroke Endovascular Treatment in Ischemic Stroke Registry Results. Stroke. 2021 Dec;52(12):3864-72.

Crozier I, O'Donnell D, Boersma L, Murgatroyd F, Manlucu J, Knight BP, Birgersdotter-Green UM, Leclercq C, Thompson A, Sawchuk R, Willey S, Wiggenhorn C, Friedman P. The Extravascular Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator: The Pivotal Study Plan. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2021 Sep;32(9):2371-8.

Cuvilliers C, Palard-Novello X, Pontoizeau C, Meneret P, Devillers A, Le Jeune F, Girard A. The Added Value of Bloodpool Spect/Ct in Painful Non-Operated Foot and Ankle Undiagnosed with Standard Three-Phase Bone Scintigraphy. Frontiers in Medicine. 2021 Mar;8:7.

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Sosa-Marrero C, de Crevoisier R, Hernandez A, Fontaine P, Rioux-Leclercq N, Mathieu R, Fautrel A, Paris F, Acosta O. Towards a Reduced in Silico Model Predicting Biochemical Recurrence after Radiotherapy in Prostate Cancer. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2021 Sep;68(9):2718-29.

Soulami RB, Castro M, Haigron P, Verhoye JP. Computer-Assisted Valve in Valve in a Deteriorated Mosaic Valve Using a Library of Bioprostheses. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2021 May;97(6):E893-E6.

Szurhaj W, Leclancher A, Nica A, Perin B, Derambure P, Convers P, Mazzola L, Godet B, Faucanie M, Picot MC, De Jonckheere J. Cardiac Autonomic Response to Hyperventilation and Risk of Sudep. Epilepsia. 2021 Nov;62:29-30.

Szurhaj W, Leclancher A, Nica A, Perin B, Derambure P, Convers P, Mazzola L, Godet B, Faucanie M, Picot MC, De jonckheere J. Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction and Risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. Neurology. 2021 May;96(21):E2619-E26.

Tabbal J, Kabbara A, Khalil M, Benquet P, Hassan M. Dynamics of Task-Related Electrophysiological Networks: A Benchmarking Study. Neuroimage. 2021 May;231:117829.

Tanguy D, Estudillo A, Baxter J, Bouzigues A, Godefroy V, Bendetowicz D, Rametti-Lacroux A, Bombois S, Cognat E, Le Ber I, Levy R, Morandi X, Batrancourt B, Jannin P, Migliaccio R. White Matter Damages Related to Behavioural Disinhibition Assessed in Semi-Ecological Context in Frontotemporal Dementia. European Journal of Neurology. 2021 Jun;28:337-.

Taoum A, Chaudru S, De Mullenheim PY, Congnard F, Emily M, Noury-Desvaux B, Bickert S, Carrault G, Mahe G, Le Faucheur A. Comparison of Activity Monitors Accuracy in Assessing Intermittent Outdoor Walking. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2021 Jun;53(6):1303-14.

Thivel D, Tardieu M, Genin P, Fillon A, Larras B, Melsens P, Bois J, Dutheil F, Carre F, Ninot G, Toussaint JF, Riviere D, Boirie Y, Pereira B, Tremblay A, Duclos M. Covid-19-Related National Re-Confinement: Recommendations from the National French Observatory for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors (Onaps). Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 2021 May;18(5):474-6.

Tillou X, Doerfler A, Szabla N, Verhoest G, Defortescu G, Bessede T, Prudhomme T, Culty T, Bigot P, Bensalah K, Méjean A, Timsit MO. [Renal Cell Carcinoma of the Kidney Transplant: The French Guidelines from Ctafu]. Prog Urol. 2021 Jan;31(1):24-30.

Toledo M, Mostacci B, Bosak M, Jedrzejzak J, Thomas RH, Salas-Puig J, Biraben A, Schmitz B. Expert Opinion: Use of Valproate in Girls and Women of Childbearing Potential with Epilepsy: Recommendations and Alternatives Based on a Review of the Literature and Clinical Experience-a European Perspective. J Neurol. 2021 Aug;268(8):2735-48.

Tronchot A, Berthelemy J, Thomazeau H, Huaulmé A, Walbron P, Sirveaux F, Jannin P. Validation of Virtual Reality Arthroscopy Simulator Relevance in Characterising Experienced Surgeons. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2021 Dec;107(8):103079.

Tronchot A, Berthelemy J, Thomazeau H, Huaulmé A, Walbron P, Sirveaux F, Jannin P. Validation De La Pertinence D’un Simulateur D’arthroscopie En Réalité Virtuelle Pour Caractériser Les Chirurgiens Expérimentés. Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique. 2021 2021/12/01/;107(8):966-73.

Tsopra R, Fernandez X, Luchinat C, Alberghina L, Lehrach H, Vanoni M, Dreher F, Sezerman OU, Cuggia M, de Tayrac M, Miklasevics E, Itu LM, Geanta M, Ogilvie L, Godey F, Boldisor CN, Campillo-Gimenez B, Cioroboiu C, Ciusdel CF, Coman S, Cubelos OH, Itu A, Lange B, Le Gallo M, Lespagnol A, Mauri G, Soykam HO, Rance B, Turano P, Tenori L, Vignoli A, Wierling C, Benhabiles N, Burgun A. A Framework for Validating Ai in Precision Medicine: Considerations from the European Itfoc Consortium. BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING. 2021 OCT 2;21(1):274.

Urien JM, Camus C, Leclercq C, Dejoies L, Mabo P, Martins R, Boukthir S, Benezit F, Behar N, Revest M, Bodi S, Bila J, Donal E, Tattevin P. The Emergence of Staphylococcus Aureus as the Primary Cause of Cardiac Device-Related Infective Endocarditis. Infection. 2021 Oct;49(5):999-1006.

Valensi P, Prevost G, Pinto S, Halimi J-M, Donal E. The Impact of Diabetes on Heart Failure Development: The Cardio-Renal-Metabolic Connection. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2021 May;175.

van Buuren F, Gati S, Sharma S, Papadakis M, Adami PE, Niebauer J, Pelliccia A, Rudolph V, Borjesson M, Carre F, Solberg E, Heidbuchel H, Caselli S, Corrado D, Serratosa L, Biffi A, Pressler A, Schmied C, Panhuyzen-Goedkoop NM, Rasmussen HK, La Gerche A, Faber L, Bogunovic N, D'Ascenzi F, Mellwig KP. Athletes with Valvular Heart Disease and Competitive Sports: A Position Statement of the Sport Cardiology Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2021 Nov;28(14):1569-78.

van de Heyning P, Mertens G, Topsakal V, de Brito R, Wimmer W, Caversaccio MD, Dazert S, Volkenstein S, Zernotti M, Parnes LS, Staecker H, Bruce IA, Rajan G, Atlas M, Friedland P, Skarzynski PH, Sugarova S, Kuzovkov V, Hagr A, Mlynski R, Schmutzhard J, Usami SI, Lassaletta L, Gavilan J, Godey B, Raine CH, Hagen R, Sprinzl GM, Brown K, Baumgartner WD, Karltorp E. Two-Phase Survey on the Frequency of Use and Safety of Mri for Hearing Implant Recipients. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 2021 Nov;278(11):4225-33.

Villena A, Lalys F, Saudreau B, Pascot R, Barre A, Lucas A, Kaladji A. Fusion Imaging with a Mobile C-Arm for Peripheral Arterial Disease. Annals of Vascular Surgery. 2021 Feb;71:273-9.

Walsh R, Lahrouchi N, Tadros R, Kyndt F, Glinge C, Postema PG, Amin AS, Nannenberg EA, Ware JS, Whiffin N, Mazzarotto F, Skoric-Milosavljevic D, Krijger C, Arbelo E, Babuty D, Barajas-Martinez H, Beckmann BM, Bezieau S, Bos JM, Breckpot J, Campuzano O, Castelletti S, Celen C, Clauss S, Corveleyn A, Crotti L, Dagradi F, de Asmundis C, Denjoy I, Dittmann S, Ellinor PT, Ortuno CG, Giustetto C, Gourraud JB, Hazeki D, Horie M, Ishikawa T, Itoh H, Kaneko Y, Kanters JK, Kimoto H, Kotta MC, Krapels IPC, Kurabayashi M, Lazarte J, Leenhardt A, Loeys BL, Lundin C, Makiyama T, Mansourati J, Martins RP, Mazzanti A, Morner S, Napolitano C, Ohkubo K, Papadakis M, Rudic B, Molina MS, Sacher F, Sahin H, Sarquella-Brugada G, Sebastiano R, Sharma S, Sheppard MN, Shimamoto K, Shoemaker MB, Stallmeyer B, Steinfurt J, Tanaka Y, Tester DJ, Usuda K, van der Zwaag PA, Van Dooren S, Van Laer L, Winbo A, Winkel BG, Yamagata K, Zumhagen S, Volders PGA, Lubitz SA, Antzelevitch C, Platonov PG, Odening KE, Roden DM, Roberts JD, Skinner JR, Tfelt-Hansen J, van den Berg MP, Olesen MS, Lambiase PD, Borggrefe M, Hayashi K, Rydberg A, Nakajima T, Yoshinaga M, Saenen JB, Kaab S, Brugada P, Robyns T, Giachino DF, Ackerman MJ, Brugada R, Brugada J, Gimeno JR, Hasdemir C, Guicheney P, Priori SG, Schulze-Bahr E, Makita N, Schwartz PJ, Shimizu W, Aiba T, Schott JJ, Redon R, Ohno S, Probst V, Behr ER, Barc J, Bezzina CR, Nantes Referral Ctr Inherited C. Enhancing Rare Variant Interpretation in Inherited Arrhythmias through Quantitative Analysis of Consortium Disease Cohorts and Population Controls. Genetics in Medicine. 2021 Jan;23(1):47-58.

Weber R, Cabon S, Simon A, Poree F, Carrault G. Preterm Newborn Presence Detection in Incubator and Open Bed Using Deep Transfer Learning. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2021 May;25(5):1419-28.

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Publications d’articles dans des conférences / Conference Papers


Abbas M, Prud’homm J, Lemoine F, Somme D, Le Bouquin Jeannès R. The Necessity of Subjectivity to Capture the Complete Frailty Figure. Smart Healthcare International Conference - SHeIC 2021; 2021 2-3 décembre 2021; Troyes.

Abbas M, Prud’homm J, Lemoine F, Somme D, Le Bouquin Jeannès R. Device Attitude and Real-Time 3d Visualization: An Interface for Elderly Care. Colloque JETSAN 2021 - 8ème édition; 2021 20-21 May 2021.

Abbas M, Somme D, Le Bouquin Jeannès R. Identifying Physical Worsening in Elderly Using Objective and Self-Reported Measures. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME); 2021 7-9 Oct. 2021; Werdanyeh, LEBANON. p. 193-6.

Allouch S, Hassan M, Yochum M, Duprez J, Khalil M, Wendling F, Modolo J, Kabbara A. Coalia: A Ground-Truth for the Evaluation of the Eeg Source Connectivity. 6th International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME); 2021 Oct 07-09; Werdanyeh, LEBANON. p. 180-3.

Ansoborlo M, Dhalluin T, Gaborit C, Cuggia M, Grammatico-Guilllon L. Prescreening in Oncology Using Data Sciences: The Prescious Study. Stud Health Technol Inform; 2021 May 27. p. 123-7.

Ben Abid A, Morgenthaler V, Aymami M, Flecher E, Haigron P. A Cfd Based Analysis of the Influence of Ic Angulation on Blood Stagnation for Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation. IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) - Leading Modern Healthcare Technology Enhancing Wellness; 2021 Mar 01-03; Electr Network. Ieee; p. 218-23.

Berraute P, Albera L, Rochette M, Merlet I, Kachenoura A. How Beamforming Can Solve the Brain Source Imaging Problem? IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP); 2021 Jul 11-14; Electr Network. Ieee; p. 171-5.

Berraute P, Albera L, Rochette M, Merlet I, Kachenoura A. How Beamforming Can Solve the Brain Source Imaging Problem? 2021 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP); 2021. p. 171-5.

Cabon S, Weber R, Cailleau L, Carrault G, Pladys P, Poree F. Automated Quiet Sleep Detection for Premature Newborns Based on Video and Ecg Analysis. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Cardiology (CinC); 2021 2021

Sep 12-15; Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC.

Chaibi S, Mahjoub C, Krikid F, Karfoul A, Le Bouquin Jeannès R, Kachouri A. Pitfalls of Spikes Filtering for Detecting High Frequency Oscillations (Hfos). 2021 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD); 2021 22-25 March; Monastir. p. 427-32.

Chen Q, Tang H, Dillenseger JL. Llasn: Lung Lobes Segmentation That Uses Adversarial Network. 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP); 2021 22-24 Oct. 2021. p. 240-4.

Chourak H, Barateau A, Mylona E, Cadin C, Lafond C, Greer P, Dowling J, de Crevoisier R, Acosta O. Voxel-Wise Analysis for Spatial Characterisation of Pseudo-Ct Errors in Mri-Only Radiotherapy Planning. 18th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI); 2021 Apr 13-16; Nice, FRANCE. Ieee; p. 395-9.

de Turenne A, Szewczyk J, Eugene F, Le Bras A, Blanc R, Haigron P. Statistical Shape Model of Vessel Centerline for Endovascular Paths Comparison in Mechanical Thrombectomy. 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (IEEE EMBC); 2021 Nov 01-05; Electr Network. Ieee; p. 1765-9.

Dhalluin T, Ansoborlo M, Rosset P, Thomazeau H, Cuggia M, Guillon L. Pilot Study of an E-Cohort to Monitor Adverse Event for Patient with Hip Prostheses from Clinical Data Warehouse. Stud Health Technol Inform; 2021 Nov 18. p. 45-9.

Dhalluin T, Grammatico-Guillon L, Rosset P, Cuggia M. Comparison of Knowledge Databases to Be Used in Automated Monitoring of Orthopedic Medical Devices. Stud Health Technol Inform; 2021 May 27. p. 1118-9.

Dillenseger JL, Carrault G, Laferte JM, Lan Hing Ting K, Gauthier V. Older Adults Empowerment and Well-Being: Fall Detection and Activity Monitoring. Lifelong Health and Wellbeing, Workshop EDUC; 2021.

Duport O, Le Rolle V, Guerrero G, Beuchee A, Hernandez A, Ieee. Sensitivity Analysis of a Cardio-Respiratory Model in Preterm Newborns for the Study of Patent Ductus Arteriosus. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC); 2021 Nov 01-05; Virtual Conference. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE); p. 4420-3.

Duthe JC, Bouzille G, Sylvestre E, Chazard E, Arvieux C, Cuggia M. How to Identify Potential Candidates for Hiv Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: An Ai Algorithm Reusing Real-World Hospital Data. Stud Health Technol Inform; 2021 May 27. p. 714-8.

Fontaine P, Andrearczyk V, Oreiller V, Castelli J, Jreige M, Prior JO, Depeursinge A. Fully Automatic Head and Neck Cancer Prognosis Prediction in Pet/Ct. 11th Workshop on Multimodal Learning and Fusion Across Scales for Clinical Decision Support (ML-CDS) held at 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI); 2021 Sep 27-Oct 01; Electr Network. Springer International Publishing Ag; p. 59-68.

He YT, Ge RJ, Wu JS, Coatrieux JL, Shu HZ, Chen Y, Yang GY, Li S. Thin Semantics Enhancement Via High-Frequency Priori Rule for Thin Structures Segmentation. 21st IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (IEEE ICDM); 2021 Dec 07-10; Electr Network. Ieee Computer Soc; p. 1096-101.

Karfoul A, Saleh M. Kamica, a New Deflation Ica Algorithm Based on Kurtosis Alternating Maximization. 2021 55th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers; 2021. IEEE; p. 554-7.

Lan Hing Ting K, Voilmy D, Dessinger G, Gauthier V, Dillenseger JL, Carrault G, Laferte JM, Fougeres AJ. Causes Et Conséquences De La Chute : Les Comprendre Pour Informer La Conception D’un Dispositif De Prévention. Colloque francophone sur la chute de la personne âgée; 2021.

Lemoine F, Prud’homm J, Abbas M, Carrault G, Somme D, Le Bouquin Jeannès R. Influence of Primary Motivation on the a Priori Acceptability and Acceptance of a Wearable Activity Tracker in Older Adults Aged 80 and Over. 17th EuGMS Congress 2021; 2021; ATHENS.

Leon C, Pladys P, Beuchee A, Carrault G. Recurrent Neural Networks for Early Detection of Late Onset Sepsis in Premature Infants Using Heart Rate Variability. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Cardiology (CinC); 2021 2021

Sep 12-15; Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC.

Msaad S, Dillenseger JL, Carrault G. Interest of the Minimum Edit Distance to Detect Behaviour Change of the Elderly Person. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC); 2021 Nov 01-05; Virtual Conference. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE); p. 7377-80.

Msaad S, Dillenseger JL, Cormier G, Carrault G. Detection of Changes in the Behaviour of the Elderly Person. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC); 2021 Nov 01-05; Virtual Conference. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE); p. 6995-8.

Pazart L, Pelayo S, Chevallier T, Gruionu G, Mabo P, Bayon Y, Barbot F, Lihoreau T, Roussel C, Maglaveras N, Lekka E, Ferreira HA, Rocha I, Geris L, Lavet C. Threats and Opportunities for the Clinical Investigation of High-Risk Medical Devices in the Context of the New European Regulations. Biodevices: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Vol 1: Biodevices; 2021; Setubal. Scitepress; p. 274-84.

Prevost ALD, Trencart M, Gaillard V, Bouzille G, Besson R, Sharma D, Puech P, Chazard E. Icipemir: Improving the Completeness, Interoperability and Patient Explanations of Medical Imaging Reports. 31st Medical Informatics in Europe Conference (MIE); 2021 May 29-31; Electr Network. p. 422-6.

Prud'Homm J, Lemoine F, Abbas M, Carrault G, Somme D, Le Bouquin Jeannès R. A Priori Acceptability of a Multimodal System for the Early Detection of Frailty in Older Adults. Colloque JETSAN 2021 - 8ème édition; 2021 2021-05-20; Toulouse, Blagnac, France.

Sosa-Marrero C, Fontaine P, Mylona E, Gnep K, Hernandez A, Paris F, De Crevoisier R, Acosta O. Mechanistic Simulation of Tumor Response Outperforms Radiomics Predicting Recurrence in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy. 18th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI); 2021 Apr 13-16; Nice, FRANCE. Ieee; p. 1-4.

Speidel S, Maier-Hein L, Stoyanov D, Bodenstedt S, Wagner M, Müller B, Chen J, Müller B, Mathis-Ullrich F, Scheikl P, Bernal J, Histache A, Fernandes-Esparrach G, Dray X, Bano S, Casella A, Vasconcelos F, Moccia S, Nwoye C, Alapatt D, Vardazaryan A, Padoy N, Huaulmé A, Harada K, Jannin P, Zia A, Bhattacharyya K, Liu X, Wang Z, Jarc A. Endoscopic Vision Challenge 2021. 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021); 2021.

Taconne M, Le Rolle V, Owashi KP, Panis V, Hubert A, Auffret V, Galli E, Hernandez A, Donal E. Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Identification of a Cardiovascular Model in Aortic Stenosis. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Cardiology (CinC); 2021 2021

Sep 12-15; Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC.

Wang S, He YT, Kong YY, Zhu XM, Zhang SB, Shao PF, Dillenseger JL, Coatrieux JL, Li S, Yang GY. Cpnet: Cycle Prototype Network for Weakly-Supervised 3d Renal Compartments Segmentation on Ct Images. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI); 2021 Sep 27-Oct 01; Electr Network. Springer International Publishing Ag; p. 592-602.

Zoetgnande YWK, Dillenseger J-L. A Generic Interpretable Fall Detection Framework Based on Low-Resolution Thermal Images. 4th edition of the Computer Science Research Days (JRI 2021); 2021 2021-11-11; Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. EAI.