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Visite Prof. Esra Neufeld

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Prof. Esra Neufeld will visit the LTSI on next Tuesday (12/04) and Wednesday (13/04). He will give a seminar on Tuesday Apr. 12, 2016, at LTSI, 5th floor (meeting room). Here is the title and abstract of his presentation: Computable, functionalized anatomical models for the in silico assessment of EM-neuron interactions The computational life sciences group at the IT’IS Foundation focuses on modeling the interaction between physics, physiology, and biology within the human body with the main goals of developing novel therapies, demonstrating safety and efficacy of medical devices, enabling personalized and optimized treatments, and increasing mechanistic understanding. The presentation will concentrate on the development of functionalized anatomical models, which are a central part of our approach. It will focus on functionalized models for EM-neuron interaction modeling and discuss their application to neuroprosthetics, transcranial neurostimulation, and low frequency exposure safety assessment. Prof. Neufeld received his Dipl. Natw. (MSc) in Interdisciplinary Sciences (main topics: theoretical physics, quantum electronics, organic chemistry and physical chemistry; master thesis computational sciences) and his PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), Switzerland in 2004 and 2008, respectively. His main research interests include the development of simulation and treatment planning software, solver and algorithm development, medical image analysis and anatomical model generation, applied simulations particularly in the field bio-electromagnetics and EM induced tissue heating, MRI safety assessment, and standardization.