IMPACT Team: Image and models for target description
Treatments and implantable medical devices are becoming more refined to improve and personalize therapy, to adapt better to anatomical and pathophysiological features of a given patient, to better target the lesions. Optimizing therapy planning and guiding intrinsically requires an enhanced and comprehensive description of patient specific data.
Characterization and reconstruction
PhD of:
- S. Li. Data Acquisition Modeling and Hybrid Coronary Tree 3d Reconstruction in C-Arm CBCT Imaging.
- A. Oukili. Reconstruction Statistique 3d À Partir D’un Faible Nombre De Projections. Application : Coronarographie Rx Rotationnelle.
- H. Feuillâtre. Automatic Determination of Optimal Viewing Angle for the Coronary Lesion Observation in Rotationnal X-Ray Angiography.
- J. Mantilla. Caractérisation De Pathologies Cardiaques En Imagerie Par Résonance Magnétique Par Approches Parcimonieuses.
- H. Bi. Characterization of ultrasond image speckle.
- Y. Zoetgnandé. Fall detection and activity recognition using stereo low-resolution thermal imaging.
- I. Halima. Activity monotoring from multi-modality sensors preserving anonymity in a framework of detection and prevention of elderly people's falls.
Selected publications:
- Bi H, Tang H, Yang GY, Li BS, Shu HZ, Dillenseger JL. Fast Segmentation of Ultrasound Images by Incorporating Spatial Information into Rayleigh Mixture Model. Iet Image Processing. 2017 Dec;11(12):1188-96.
- Bi H, Jiang YB, Tang H, Yang GY, Shu HZ, Dillenseger JL. Fast and Accurate Segmentation Method of Active Shape Model with Rayleigh Mixture Model Clustering for Prostate Ultrasound Images. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2020 Feb;184:11.
- Halima I, Laferté J-M, Cormier G, Fougères A-J, Dillenseger J-L. Depth and Thermal Information Fusion for Head Tracking Using Particle Filter in a Fall Detection Context. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 2020;27(2):195-208.
- Liu Y, Castro M, Lederlin M, Shu HZ, Kaladji A, Haigron P. Edge-Preserving Denoising for Intra-Operative Cone Beam Ct in Endovascular Aneurysm Repair. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 2017 Mar;56:49-59.
- Liu Y, Castro M, Lederlin M, Kaladji A, Haigron P. An Improved Nonlinear Diffusion in Laplacian Pyramid Domain for Cone Beam Ct Denoising During Image-Guided Vascular Intervention. BMC Medical Imaging. 2018 Sep;18:14.
- Yang GY, Chen Y, Ning XF, Sun QY, Shu HZ, Coatrieux JL. Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring Using Noncontrast and Contrast Ct Images. Medical Physics. 2016 May;43(5):13.
- Yin XR, Zhao QL, Liu J, Yang W, Yang J, Quan GT, Chen Y, Shu HZ, Luo LM, Coatrieux JL. Domain Progressive 3d Residual Convolution Network to Improve Low-Dose Ct Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2019 Dec;38(12):2903-13
- Zoetgnande YWK, Cormier G, Fougeres AJ, Dillenseger JL. Sub-Pixel Matching Method for Low-Resolution Thermal Stereo Images. Infrared Physics & Technology. 2020 Mar;105:12.
Fusion of multi-modal data for electrophysiological interventions
PhD of:- S. Bruge. Registration and fusion of multimodal data for the optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy.
- N. Courtial. Fusion of multimodal images to assist cardiac electrophysiology interventions.

Registration and fusion of multi-modal data for Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)
Selected publications:
- Atehortua A, Garreau M, Simon A, Donal E, Lederlin M, Romero E. Fusion of 3d Real-Time Echocardiography and Cine Mri Using a Saliency Analysis. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2020 Feb;15(2):277-85.
- Betancur J, Simon A, Halbert E, Tavard F, Carre F, Hernandez A, Donal E, Schnell F, Garreau M. Registration of Dynamic Multiview 2d Ultrasound and Late Gadolinium Enhanced Images of the Heart: Application to Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Characterization. Medical Image Analysis. 2016 Feb;28:13-21.
- Betancur J, Simon A, Langella B, Leclercq C, Hernandez A, Garreau M. Synchronization and Registration of Cine Magnetic Resonance and Dynamic Computed Tomography Images of the Heart. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2016 Sep;20(5):1369-76.
- Bruge, S., Simon, A., Courtial, N., Betancur, J., Hernandez, A., Tavard, F., Donal, E., Lederlin, M., Leclercq, C. and Garreau, M., Multimodal Image Fusion for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Planning, in Multi-Modality Imaging: Applications and Computational Techniques, M. Abreu de Souza, H. Remigio Gamba, and H. Pedrini, Editors. 2018, Springer International Publishing: Cham. p. 67-82.
- Courtial, N., Simon, A., Donal, E., Lederlin, M. and Garreau, M., Cardiac cine-MRI/CT registration for interventions planning, in 2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)2019, p. 776-779.
MRI-Based planning of radiotherapy
PhD of:
- F. Commandeur. Fusion D'images Multimodales Pour La Caractérisation Du Cancer De La Prostate.
- A. Largent. Planification De Radiothérapie Externe À Partir D'imagerie Par Résonance Magnétique.
- A. Barateau. Calcul De Dose À Partir D'images CBCT Et IRM En Radiothérapie Externe.
Selected publications:
- Commandeur F, Simon A, Mathieu R, Nassef M, Arango JDO, Rolland Y, Haigron P, De Crevoisier R, Acosta O. Mri to Ct Prostate Registration for Improved Targeting in Cancer External Beam Radiotherapy. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2017 Jul;21(4):1015-26.
- Guzman L, Commandeur F, Acosta O, Simon A, Fautrel A, Rioux-Leclercq N, Romero E, Mathieu R, De Crevoisier R. Slice Correspondence Estimation Using Surf Descriptors and Context-Based Search for Prostate Whole-Mount Histology Mri Registration. Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC); 2016 16-20 Aug. 2016. p. 1163-6.
- Largent A, Barateau A, Nunes JC, Lafond C, Greer PB, Dowling JA, Saint-Jalmes H, Acosta O, De Crevoisier R. Pseudo-Ct Generation for Mri-Only Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning: Comparison among Patch-Based, Atlas-Based, and Bulk Density Methods. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2019 Feb;103(2):479-90.
- Largent A, Barateau A, Nunes JC, Mylona E, Castelli J, Lafond C, Greer PB, Dowling JA, Baxter J, Saint-Jalmes H, Acosta O, De Crevoisier R. Comparison of Deep Learning-Based and Patch-Based Methods for Pseudo-Ct Generation in Mri-Based Prostate Dose Planning. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2019 Dec;105(5):1137-50.