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Visite de Dr. Gunnar KRUEGER Directeur de "Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology

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Nous avons le plaisir de recevoir au laboratoire le 19 Octobre Dr. Gunnar KRUEGER Directeur de "Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology " Laboratoire de recherche commun à Siemens et à l'EPFL.
A cette occasion, Monsieur Krueger donnera une conférence de 45 minutes, à 10h, au Campus de Beaulieu, bâtiment 22, (bâtiment où est situé le LTSI), salle 004-006, intitulée :  "MR-based brain morphometry - are we ready for clinical use?" dont le résumé est ci-dessous.

Summary : MR-based brain morphometry, i.e. automated brain tissue classification and the computation of quantitative volumetric values of brain tissues and structures are of interest for a better understanding of numerous brain diseases. In this presentation, we will discuss the challenges of such analysis, in particular when such methodology is meant to be used in clinical routine rather than in research settings. We will discuss the influence of acquisition, pre- and post-processing and their interplay on the accuracy of the results and practical aspects of an implementation and usage in the clinical environment.