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Publications 1999

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Année 1999


Publications dans des revues / Journal Papers


Bardou A, Auger P, Seigneuric R, Chassé JL. Cellular automata models and cardiac arrhythmias. An approach of sudden cardiac death prevention. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/London; 1999. p. 279-290.

Bardou A, Seigneuric R, Chassé JL, Auger P. Incidence of dispersion of refractoriness and cellular coupling resistance on cardiac reentries and ventricular fibrillation. Acta Biotheoretica. 1999;47:199-207.

Bartolomei F, Wendling F, Vignal JP, Kochen S, Bellanger JJ, Badier JM, Le Bouquin-Jeannès R, Chauvel P. The seizures of temporal lobe epilespy : identification of subtypes by coherence analysis using stereo-electro-encephalography. Clinical Neurophysiology. 1999;110(10):1741-1754.

Bézy-Wendling J, Bruno A. A 3D dynamic model of vascular trees. Journal of Biological Systems. 1999;7(1):11-31.

Bouillon Y, Wendling F, Bartolomei F. Computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) in biomedical signal visualization and processing. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 1999;3(1):28-31.

Carrault G, Cordier MO, Quiniou R, Garreau M, Bellanger JJ, Bardou A. A model-based approach for learning to identify cardiac arrhythmias. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Ed. Springer Verlag; 1999. p. 165-174.

Coatrieux JL. Recommendations, perspectives, and 1999 wishes. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 1999;46(1):1-2.

Coatrieux JL. Les bases scientifiques de l'endoscopie virtuelle. Bulletin de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine. 1999;183(3):455-464.

Herlidou S, Rolland Y, Bansard JY, Le Rumeur E, de Certaines J. Comparison of automated and visual texture analysis in MRI : characterization of normal and diseased skeletal muscle. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 1999;17(9):1393-1397.

Hernandez A, Carrault G, Mora F, Thoraval L, Passariello G. Multisensor fusion for atrial and ventricular activity dectection in coronary care monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 1999;46(10):1186-1190.

Hernandez A, Mora F, Passariello G, Villegas G, Hernandez M, Carrault G. Instrumentation and methods for integral autonomic evaluation in a neurocardiology laboratory. Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine. 1999;20(1):43-50.

Riot X, Veron M, Wendling F, Coatrieux G, Coatrieux JL, Bezy-Wendling J, Bouchard D. Monnet : une application du travail coopératif en imagerie médicale. Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine. 1999;20(5):263-270.

Rolland Y, Bézy-Wendling J, Duvauferrier R, Bruno A. Modeling of the parenchymous vascularization and perfusion. Investigative Radiology. 1999;34(3):171-175.

Rolland Y, Bézy-Wendling J, Duvauferrier R, Coatrieux JL. Slice simulation from a model of the parenchymous vascularization to evaluate texture features. Investigative Radiology. 1999;34(3):181-184.

Seigneuric R, Chassé JL, Auger P, Bardou A. Role of the dispersion of refractoriness on cardiac reentries. Mathematical Biosciences. 1999;157:253-267.

Seigneuric R, Chassé JL, Auger P, Bardou A. Potential induction of ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac death by dispersion of refractroriness and cellular coupling resistance : a simulation study. Journal of Biological Systems. 1999;7(4):529-540.

Shamsollahi M, Senhadji L, Le Bouquin-Jeannès R, Chauvel P. Représentation de crises d'épilepsie par des signatures temps-fréquence. Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine. 1999;20(3):141-150.

Soulas T, Le Certen G, Carrault G, Le Pichon JP. Quelques aspects du développement de SIMBAD, station de monitoring intelligent temps réel. Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine. 1999;20(4):245-255.

Wendling F, Shamsollahi M, Badier JM, Bellanger JJ. Time-frequency matching of warped depth-EEG seizure observations. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 1999;46(5):601-605.

Yu WX, Luo L, Shu HZ, Collorec R. Automatic path finding in active navigation of volumetric image data by density profile image. Acta Electronica Sinica. 1999;27(12):9-11.


Publications d’articles dans des conférences / Conference Papers


Bellemarre ME, Haigron P, Lucas A. Application de la navigation active à la caractérisation automatique de structures anatomiques. 17ème GRETSI; 1999 13-17 septembre; Vannes, France; 1999. p. 1189-1192.

Bellemarre ME, Haigron P, Lucas A, Coatrieux JL. Depth map based scene analysis for active navigation. SPIE Conference on Physiology and Function from Multidimensional Images; 1999 February; San Diego, USA; 1999. p. 202-213.

Bellemarre ME, Haigron P, Lucas A, Luo L. Application of active navigation to the automatic characterization of vascular structures. CBME'99 Conference; 1999; Nanjing, Chine; 1999. p. 174-175.

Bouttier A, Vezzosi G. Egaliseur récursif bilatéral autodidacte et filtre DFE associé. 17ème GRETSI; 1999 13-17 septembre; Vannes; 1999. p. 765-768.

Brieva J, Toumoulin C, Bellanger JJ, Luo L. Structural analysis on coronarographic images. CBME'99 Conference; 1999; Nanjing, Chine; 1999. p. 174-175.

Coatrieux JL, Bellanger JJ. Analyse des signaux biologiques. Congrès d'Informatique et de Monitorage en Anesthésie-Réanimation (conférence invitée); 1999 Avril; Nantes, France; 1999. p. 79-91.

Dillenseger JL, Luo L. Comparison between two three-dimensional edge operators applied in a 3D navigation approach. CBME'99 Conference; 1999 Novembre; Nanjing, Chine; 1999. p. 176-177.

Dillenseger JL, Luo L. Visualization of EEG and SEEG signals on 3D anatomical images for clinical epilepsy studies. CBME'99 Conference; 1999 Novembre; Nanjing, Chine; 1999. p. 178-179.

Dillenseger JL, Sousa Santos B, Texeira P, Nunes J, Ferreira C. Evaluating visualizations of stereotactic EEG in anatomical context: an experiment. APRP Workshop on Medical Imaging; 1999 Octobre; Aveiro, Portugal; 1999. p. 41-45.

Duchesnay E, Montois JJ. Architecture intelligente distribuée pour la vision artificielle. Adéquation Algorithme Adéquation (conférence invitée); 1999; Lille, France; 1999. p. 88-95.

Duvauferrier R, Rolland Y, Haigron P, Coatrieux JL. Imagerie virtuelle en chirurgie mini-invasive du rachis. Chirurgie endoscopique et mini-invasive du rachis; 1999: Sauramps Medical; 1999. p. 319-320.

Faucon G, Le Bouquin-Jeannès R. Optimisation of the frequency-domain LMS algorithm for acoustic echo cancellation. International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, Session Echo Cancellation and Noise Reduction; 1999 1-4 novembre; Orlando, USA; 1999. p. (5 pages).

Faucon G, Le Bouquin-Jeannès R. Optimisation d'un filtre d'annulation d'écho sous contrôle d'un détecteur de parole locale. 17ème GRETSI; 1999 13-17 septembre; Vannes, France; 1999. p. 1009-1012.

Garnier C, Collorec R, Flifla J, Mouclier C, Rousée F. Infrared sensor modeling for realistic thermal image synthesis. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing; 1999 15-19 march; Phoenix, USA; 1999. p. 3513-3516.

Garnier C, Collorec R, Flifla J, Mouclier C, Rousée F. Physically-based infrared sensor effects modeling. SPIE Conference on Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling and Testing X; 1999 5-9 april; Orlando, USA; 1999. p. 81-92.

Gauvrit H, Carrault G, Hernandez A. Filtrage à association probabiliste de données pour l'analyse robuste de l'activité cardiaque. 17ème GRETSI; 1999 13-17 septembre; Vannes, France; 1999. p. 611-614.

Guilmin G, Le Bouquin-Jeannès R, Gournay P. Study of the influence of noise pre-processing on the performance of a low bit rate parametric speech coder. European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology; 1999 5-9 september; Budapest, Hongrie; 1999. p. (4 pages).

Hernandez A, Carrault G. Annulation adaptative de l'activité ventriculaire. 17ème GRETSI; 1999 13-17 septembre; Vannes, France; 1999. p. 591-594.

Hulaud JP, Haigron P, Dillenseger JL, Luo L. XImages biomedical. CBME'99; 1999; Nanjing, Chine; 1999. p. 259-260.

Kinié A, Bellanger JJ, Wendling F. Estimateurs de relations inter-canaux : précision et intérêt clinique en épilepsie. 17ème GRETSI; 1999 13-17 septembre; Vannes, France; 1999. p. 603-606.

Landau M, Bardou A. Driving patterns of a large non-pacemaker cell by a small pacemaker cell: associated chaotic and coexisting states. Computers in Cardiology; 1999; Hannover, Allemagne; 1999. p. 523-526.

Le Bouquin-Jeannès R, Faucon G. Control of an adaptative echo canceller using a near-end speech detector. Eurasip Conference on DSP for Multimedia Communications and Services; 1999 24-26 june; Krakow, Pologne; 1999. p. 1-5.

Le Bouquin-Jeannès R, Faucon G. A comparative study of techniques based on periodograms and eigenspectra for speech detection. International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, Session Spectral Analysis and Estimation; 1999 1-4 november; Orlando, USA; 1999. p. (4 pages).

Medina R, Garreau M, Coatrieux JL, Jugo D, Toro J. Representacion de la forma tridimensional del ventriculo izquierdo an angiografia bi-plana. Coloquio de Bioingenieria; 1999 Febrero; Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela; 1999. p. 20-21.

Medina R, Garreau M, Coatrieux JL, Lebreton H. La logica difusa y la combinacion evidencial como herramientas para la reconstruccion tridimensional del ventriculo izquierdo. Coloquio de Bioingenieria; 1999 Febrero; Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela; 1999. p. 22-23.

Medina R, Garreau M, Navarro C, Coatrieux JL, Jugo D. Reconstruction of three-dimensional cardiac shapes in biplane angiography: a fuzzy and evolutionary approach. Computers in Cardiology; 1999 September; Hannover, Allemagne; 1999. p. 663-666.

Toumoulin C, Brieva J, Bellanger JJ. Analyse structurelle en angiographie cardiaque. 17ème GRETSI; 1999 13-17 septembre; Vannes, France; 1999. p. 579-582.

Wendling F, Le Bouquin-Jeannès R, Faucon G, Bellanger JJ, Kinié A, Bartolomei F. Recherche de reproductibilité dans les relations inter-structures durant les crises d'épilepsie. 17ème GRETSI; 1999 13-17 septembre; Vannes, France; 1999. p. 583-586.